Who we are

SMCOA is a dedicated non-profit organization committed to spreading peace, love, and addressing the root causes of poverty and conflict.

  • Our mission is to extend our outreach across Asia, reaching out to diverse communities without regard to their origin, color, age, or belief.
  • We firmly believe in the transformative power of love and acceptance, recognizing that every individual deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background.

  • Is to extends from Egypt to Hong Kong encompassing a wide range of activities and initiatives aimed at serving underserved regions.
  • Through the dedication and commitment of our bi-annual volunteer groups, we strive to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities throughout this vast geographic area.eserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background.
  • Is grounded in a comprehensive scope of work that addresses critical issues facing our society. We recognize that there are numerous challenges and pressing concerns that demand attention and action.
  • By taking a holistic approach, we strive to tackle these issues head-on, making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities..
  • Our aim is to extend our outreach across Asia, reaching out to diverse communities without regard to their origin, color, age, or belief.
  • We firmly believe in the transformative power of love and acceptance, recognizing that every individual deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background.
  • Is to extends from Egypt to Hong Kong encompassing a wide range of activities and initiatives aimed at serving underserved regions.
  • Through the dedication and commitment of our bi-annual volunteer groups, we strive to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities throughout this vast geographic area.eserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background.
  • Is grounded in a comprehensive scope of work that addresses critical issues facing our society. We recognize that there are numerous challenges and pressing concerns that demand attention and action.
  • By taking a holistic approach, we strive to tackle these issues head-on, making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities.
  • What we do

    0 Years +

    For over a decade, from 2010 to 2023, we have been actively engaged in facilitating positive change.

    We Adopt

    a highly tailored approach to our service initiatives, crafting programs that precisely address the unique needs of the populations we support.

    We Provide

    motivational talks, deliver soft skills training, and offer a range of programs designed to unlock the potential of the youth and enhance their capabilities. Our commitment lies in fostering a brighter future for all the communities we touch.

    Our Mission

    SMCOA is dedicated to transforming lives in Hong Kong through a multi-faceted approach. We empower minorities and marginalized communities through integration programs, provide secure havens for the homeless, expand access to crucial healthcare services, offer youth training initiatives to foster skill development, and champion environmental preservation for a brighter tomorrow.

    Our Vision

    Envisioning a world where justice reigns, suffering is banished, and all vulnerable individuals flourish. Our vision is to empower every person to secure their fundamental rights and elevate their skills, forging a brighter, more equitable future.

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